Prizes of IAAI


What prizes does IAAI give out?

IAAI Best PhD Thesis Award

The Israeli Association for Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) established the IAAI Doctoral Dissertation Award program in 2018 to recognize superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in Israel studying Artificial Intelligence.

  • 2024
  • 2023
    • Winner: Dr. Roei Herzig, Tel Aviv University. PhD thesis: Towards Compositionality in Computer Vision. Advised by Prof. Amir Globerson​
    • Runner-up: Dr. Yanai Elazar, Bar-Ilan University. PhD thesis: Revealing Capabilities of Language Models. Advised by Prof. Yoav Goldberg.
    • Committee members: Gilad Katz, Segev Wasserkrug
    • Prize sponsored by Google
  • 2022
    • Winner: Dr. Leshem Choshen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. PhD thesis: Improving Neural Machine Translation using Semantic Structure. Advised by Prof. Omri Abend​
    • Runner-up: Dr. Hila Gonen, Bar-Ilan University. PhD thesis: Multilinguality and Bias in Language Modeling. Advised by Prof. Yoav Goldberg.
    • Committee members: Carmel Domshlak, Gal Kaminka
  • 2021
    • Winner: Dr. Omer Ben-Porat, Technion. PhD thesis: Strategic Behavior in prediction and recommendation. Advised by Prof. Moshe Tennenholtz​
    • Runner-up: Dr. Roee Aharoni, Bar-Ilan University. PhD thesis: Topics in Sequence-to-sequence learning in NLP. Advised by Prof. Ido Dagan.
    • Committee members: Onn Shenory, Shaul Markovitch
  • 2020
    • Winner: Dr Yossi Adi, Bar-Ilan University. PhD thesis: On the Robustness of Deep Neural Models and their Applications to Speech Science. Advised by Prof. Joseph Keshet.
    • Runner-up: Dr. Yossi Arjevani, Weizmann Institute. PhD thesis: On the Theoretical Foundations of Large-Scale Optimization with Applications in Machine Learning. Advised by Prof. Ohad Shamir.
    • Committee members: Omer Lev, Jeff Rosenschein, David Sarne, Aya Soffer
  • 2019
    • Winner: Dr Avi Segal, Ben-Gurion University. PhD thesis: Intelligent Intervention Design in Large Scale Task Systems. Advised by Prof. Kobi Gal. Award sponsored by Intuition Robotics.
    • Committee members: Noa Agmon, Claudia Goldman
  • 2018
    • Winner: Dr Mor Vered, Bar-Ilan University. PhD thesis: A General Approach For Plan And GoalRecognition. Advised by Prof. Gal Kaminka. Award sponsored by General Motors.
    • Committee members: Claudia Goldman, Gila Kamhi, Roi Reshef