IAAI Activities


What activities does IAAI undertake?

Student Support

IAAI aims to help Israeli research students that are aiming to become future AI researchers. IAAI supports these students both financially (when possible) and spiritually.

Events for the AI Community

Israeli AI researchers work in different institutions which are spread all over the country. In an attempt to improve interaction among this group of researchers, IAAI organizes workshops and conferences for the community of IAAI. In particular, an IAAI workshop is being held at least once a year. In that event, the different AI groups present their recent achievements to the entire IAAI community and the different groups have valuable time to cross fertilize each other. Once every two years, the IAAI also supports the bi-annual BISFAI workshop, which serves a similar purpose but is a longer event of a few days days.

International Relations

IAAI aims to support visits of international AI scientists to Israel. IAAI sees a great importance in inviting prestigious international scientists to visit one or more AI groups in Israel. IAAI supports such visits financially (when possible) and helps the visitor to contact relevant AI groups within the country.

Relations with the Industry

IAAI aims to promote and support strong connections between the academic researchers of the Israeli AI community and relevant companies from the Industry. Relevant people from the industry come to the IAAT conferences on a regular basis and are invited to present their achievements in these conferences. IAAI also supports collaboration on research projects between Academia and Industry.

Community Activities

IAAI aims to support the general community in a number of ways. We are working now to establish a joint project between IAAI and a high-school in Tel-Aviv in which IAAI researchers and graduate students will give classes and lectures about AI. In adition, gradute students will help individual high-school students with their studies in return to a scholarship.